
Weather webcams near Rigi

Weather webcams near Rigi

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weather webcam Rigi

Rigi is a mountain between Lake Lucerne, Zug and Lake Lauerz in Switzerland. The highest peak is above the solid with a height of 1,797, 5 m. M. the Rigi-Kulm, a popular destination for tourists. Little deeper, the other peaks Rigi Hochflue (Hochfluh) Dossen Rotstock and is subsequent to the southeast Rigi-Scheidegg. The mountain is also known as "Queen of Hills". During the conquest of the Alpine tourist interpretation was widespread, the name is an abbreviation of the Latin Rigi Regina montium - "Queen of Hills".

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weather Webcam Gersau
Webcam Gersau
The town lies in the Gersau Shvets, Canton Schwyz. Above Gersau at 1,550 meters above sea level is the Gersauer Hausberg Rigi Burggeist. Gersau offers
weather Webcam Gersau
Webcam Gersau
Gersau is a self-contained area in an embedded to the sunny and sheltered in Switzerland Rigisüdhang trough. The place is protected by the Gersau Rig